How Big do Bernedoodles Get

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Bernedoodles

The size of a Bernedoodle is often a cause for concern for those who are looking to purchase one. Bernedoodles can range in size from small to large, and their weight can vary significantly depending on their parent breeds. There is no definitive answer as to how big Bernedoodles will get, as their growth depends on a number of factors, including their diet and exercise regime. However, there are some methods that can be used to estimate the weight of a Bernedoodle, such as using the dog’s height or chest circumference.

This article contains a wealth of information regarding Bernedoodle size. I have included a Bernedoodle growth chart as well as a weight calculator to help predict the size of your dog. Whether you are considering this breed for its potential size, or simply want to be prepared for your dog’s adult size, this article will provide you with the answers to all of your questions.

We also talk about whether it’s feasible to control a Bernedoodle’s rate of growth. Does a Bernedoodle’s gender or generation affect how big they get or when they stop growing? (Bernardoodle size F1 vs. F1b).

How Big Do Bernedoodles Get?

  • At the shoulder, miniature Bernedoodles measure roughly 18 to 22 inches (46 to 56 centimeters). They weigh 24 to 49 lbs (11-22 kilograms)
  • A tiny or toy Bernedoodle is under 17 inches (50 centimeters) tall and weighs under 24 pounds (22 kilograms)
  • A Standard Bernedoodle can weigh between 70 and 90 pounds and stand up to 23 to 29 inches (58 to 75 centimeters) at the shoulder (41-41 kilograms)

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These are just averages and there will be some Bernedoodles or Australian Bernedoodles that fall outside of these numbers. The biggest factors that influence the final weight and height of a Bernedoodle dog are genetics and the size of the parent dogs.

There is no strict rule when it comes to the size difference between male and female Bernedoodles, but on average, females are slightly lighter than their male litter mates. This size difference is usually only about 10%.

Bernedoodles stop growing at what age?

This means that Bernedoodles will not reach their full adult size until they are at least 2 years old, and in some cases, up to 3 years old. This is much slower than the average dog, which is considered an adult at 1 year old. Therefore, if you are looking for a smaller dog, a Bernedoodle may not be the right breed for you.

By 18 months of age at the earliest, poodles can reach their maximum height and weight.

The age at which a puppy stops growing will depend on how much of each parent breed is present in the Bernedoodle. This implies that the following have various growth rates and growing-stop times.

  • F1b Bernedoodles
  • Australian Bernedoodles
  • F1 Bernedoodles

After doing some research by talking to Veterinarians, breeders, and actual owners, I have come up with the following age range for when Bernedoodles will stop growing, depending on which type they are.

Bernedoodles stop growing at what age

The type of Bernedoodle will dictate when growth will come to a halt. The dog’s genes are more important than gender or size.

F1 Bernedoodles

  • Weight can continue to increase up to 2.5 years
  • Stop growing in height at 12-14 months of age
  • 50% Bernese Mountain Dog, 50% Poodle

F1b Bernedoodles

  • 18 months – 20 month maximum weight
  • Height growth typically over at 12 months
  • 25% Bernese Mountain Dog and 75% Poodle

F1bb Bernedoodles (backcrossed again!)

  • 2 years or so tp maximum weight
  • 25 percent Bernese Mountain Dog and 87.5% Poodle
  • Height growth typically over at 12-14 months

Australian Bernedoodles

  • Weight typically maximum at 2 years
  • Height growth complete at 12 months
  • Blend of Poodle, Australian Labradoodle, and Bernese Mountain Dog

Make sure you are grooming your Bernedoodle with the best tools available! At-home grooming can be a breeze if you have the correct tools.

What does puppy growth truly mean?

When determining when a Poodle Mix will cease developing, there are two major factors to take into account. Weight (in pounds or kilograms) and height (measured to the shoulder) will peak at various dates.

When do Bernedoodle puppies begin to grow?

The growth of Bernedoodles starts at birth and continues throughout their puppyhood. Once they are born, we can keep track of the gradual weight gain and height gain.

During the first four to eight months of life, Bernedoodle puppies experience their most exuberant growth. This is when they see the biggest increases in height and weight.

At around 12 months of age, a baby will usually reach their full height. After 14 months, any further increases in height are unlikely.

As the table above demonstrates, it will take longer for the Bernedoodle to reach their full weight. Expect that it will take them at least two years to completely flesh out and fill in their frame.

Bernedoodle Size Calculator

Weigh your Bernedoodle puppy often during their first few months. The best way to do this is to step on a scale with your dog, then weigh yourself without them. The difference between the two readings is the weight of your Bernedoodle puppy.

As the Bernedoodle gets older, it will become more difficult to weigh your dog easily. However, most veterinary clinics have scales that you can use.

Always check with your veterinarian before taking your dog to a pet store. While some larger pet stores may have scales available for use, your veterinarian will be the best resource for accurate weight measurements.

Standard Bernedoodle Growth Chart

Growth charts are only averages and may not be accurate for every puppy’s growth. Every dog is different and each individual situation can impact a dog’s growth differently.

So, if your Bernedoodle develops faster or slower than typical, don’t worry too much about it. Their growth is ultimately determined by a combination of genetics and environment, so there is no need to stress if they don’t exactly match the numbers on a chart.

Utilize the Bernedoodle puppy weight estimator instead to obtain an approximate estimation of your pup’s size.

The Berendoodle growth chart is a useful tool for predicting how fast your dog will grow. However, it’s important to note that there is a range of growth rates for Bernedoodles, and your individual dog may fall on the high or low end of this spectrum. Once you have some data points from tracking your own dog’s weight, you can plug them into a Bernedoodle weight calculator for more accurate predictions.

Things That Influence How Fast A Puppy Grows

Much of puppy growth is attributed to the bones getting longer. This is due to growth plates which are found in the long bones of the limbs. Once these growth plates are done growing, they will signal the end of height growth for that particular dog.

The amount of muscle and fat that grows on a puppy depends on the breed of the dog, the number of exercises, and the type of diet given to the puppy. For example, a Doberman Pinscher will have more muscle mass than body fat, while a Labrador Retriever will have more body fat than muscle mass.

As a general rule, smaller dogs reach maturity sooner than their larger counterparts. For example, a mini Goldendoodle will typically be fully grown by the one-year mark, while a miniature Labradoodle will usually max out at around 10 months old.

It can take a medium dog 12 to 14 months to attain its full size.

Bernedoodles are one of the larger breeds of dogs and can take up to two years to fully grow. The food you feed them will play a role in how quickly they grow and how large they eventually become. For the best chance at having a healthy, full-grown Bernedoodle, it’s important to feed them the same food throughout their life.

Establishing a healthy diet for your dog early on is important to ensure they have a nutritious and well-rounded meal plan for life. This diet should include regular food, plus some treats every now and then to keep things interesting. For the most part, you won’t need to feed your dog specific puppy food if you’re following a healthy diet plan.

In order to allow your Bernedoodle to grow on its own growth trajectory, it is important that you provide it with all of the nutrients and vitamins necessary for health. The growth process will be hindered if you underfeed or skip important nutrients.

Can you give a Bernedoodle extra food to help it grow more quickly?

If you feed your Bernedoodle additional food, they will gain weight. However, this does not impact the size at which they will stop growing. The added calories and increased fat tissues will simply make them a fatter dog, not a larger one.

Bernedoodle Size Conclusions

Bernedoodles are large dogs that come in three size categories: Standard, Giant, and Toy/Miniature. Even the Toy and Miniature Bernedoodles are not small dogs, weighing anywhere from 25 to 49 pounds. Standard Bernedoodles can weigh between 50 and 90 pounds, while Giant Bernedoodles can weigh upwards of 90 pounds.

  • The final weight of a small Bernedoodle or an F1b Bernedoodle will be closer to 18 months.
  • A normal F1 full-size Bernedoodle will achieve its final weight in about 2 years.
  • All varieties of Bernedoodles reach their full height (measured at the shoulder) by the time they are 12 months old.

Wrapping Up:

I hope this article helped you to learn more about the size that Bernedoodles can grow to. As you can see, there is quite a range in sizes that these dogs can reach. It really depends on the mix of breeds that make up your particular Bernedoodle. However, you can rest assured that no matter how big or small your Bernedoodle ends up being, they will still be a loving and loyal companion.