Why Does My Maltipoo Lick So Much

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Maltipoo

If your Maltipoo is constantly licking himself, you, or objects such as furniture, walls, floors, etc., it could be a sign of something more serious. We are well aware that dogs groom themselves by licking themselves, but there are numerous more reasons why licking can become excessive. If your dog is excessively licking, It’s critical to take him to the doctor so they can rule out any illnesses.

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Licking is a very important part of your Maltipoo’s behavior. It can have many different interpretations and play many different roles. For example, licking can be a sign of affection or a way to show submission. It can also be a way to taste something or to clean something off. Licking is also a way for your dog to communicate with you and other dogs.

If your Maltipoo is excessively licking, the reason may be a medical disorder that can be treated with behavioral training. Excessive licking may also be a sign of something more serious, such as an allergy or infection. If you are concerned about your dog’s excessive licking, please consult your veterinarian.

Excessive licking can often be caused by underlying health issues, such as allergies, liver disorders, nausea, anemia, dental issues, seizure problems, and an upset stomach. Additionally, licking may also be a sign of pain in the neck or back area. If your pet is excessively licking, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential medical problems.

If your Maltipoo is healthy and the vet can’t find anything wrong with him, It’s probable that he suffers from a compulsive disorder like separation anxiety or excessive licking disorder, which can be brought on by stress or conflict.Alternatively, he may just be trying to get your attention.

Read this article to learn everything there is to know about what causes your dog to lick itself excessively and how to help your dog.

What Makes Maltipoos Lick Too Much? (Medical Conditions)

Licking is a communication tool that has been passed down from dogs’ ancestors. Even though there is no pack around anymore, dogs have kept this characteristic. This can be seen in your house, where licking is a way for dogs to communicate with you and other members of your family.

Dogs see their owners as a part of their family. They view humans as a source of safety and security, feeling more confident when we are around – just like kids do.

The way that dogs lick other members of their pack is something that your Maltipoo wants to do to you as well. This is especially true if they think that you are ill or in pain. By licking you, they are trying to make you feel better.

If you recline or lie down, your dog may think you are unwell and start licking you in an effort to make you feel better. Your Maltipoo may also lick you more frequently if he feels he is not receiving enough of your attention.

If you notice your Maltipoo licking things, persons, or objects excessively, it’s natural to wonder what’s going on. This may be a new habit for your dog, so you may be concerned that something is wrong. What could have caused your Maltipoo to become obsessed with licking?

Food or airborne allergies?

If your Maltipoo is excessively licking his paws, it is likely due to an allergy. Allergies are a very common reason for this behavior. If your dog is licking his paws constantly, it is important to take him to the vet to rule out any other possible causes and to get the appropriate treatment.

Seasonal allergies are very common during the springtime, when there is an abundance of pollen in the air. Dust, dander, and other airborne particles can also cause a build-up of allergens which may lead to itching.

Your Maltipoo may be allergic to his food. If that’s the case, you should think about changing food brands or switching to a raw diet entirely. You should consult the vet about this matter.

If your dog has allergies, he may lick his paws excessively. Allergies can cause your Maltipoo to itch, which may be manifested in excessive licking.

If your dog is constantly licking their skin, it can cause inflammation. This can then lead to a secondary problem, such as a yeast infection, which will only make your dog itch more.

Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM has suggested a homemade remedy that could help to relieve itchiness in the case of allergies or a yeast infection. Mixing four ounces of water with one teaspoon of baking soda and applying it to the affected area can soothe the skin and provide relief from itchiness.

  • one cup of green tea ( it should be cool down enough to be comfortable for your hands )
  • two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • one tablespoon of salt
  • ten drops of lavender essential oil

Add all the ingredients to a bowl and mix them together. Soak your Maltipoo’s paws in the mixture, one at a time. Let each paw soak for 4-5 minutes if possible. You can do this twice daily for 7 days.

Avoid soaking your Maltipoo’s paws in this solution if they have any wounds because the vinegar may irritate them.

Saro Boghozian is a dog trainer and owner of Jonah’s Ark Doggie Center in North Vancouver. He has a simple recipe that he says can help your dog feel better. “It’s just water, chicken broth and honey,” Boghozian said. “I give it to my dogs when they’re not feeling well or they have an upset stomach.”

Mr. Saro has suggested that you soak your Maltipoo’s paws in lukewarm water for 3-5 minutes at a time, adding iodine to the water for additional help. This should be repeated several times.

If you clean your Maltipoo’s paws with doggie wipes or a wet towel after every walk, you can significantly decrease the number of environmental allergens.

If your dog is experiencing other allergy symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, swelling of the face, lips, ears, runny nose, sneezing, or runny eyes, you should visit the vet. They may prescribe allergy relief medications and/or special shampoos that could reduce itchiness.

Additionally, if you see any changes in the skin’s color, crusts, pimples, or the presence of fleas, consult a veterinarian.

Nausea, upset stomach

If you notice that your Maltipoo is excessively licking walls, floors, or his lips, it could be a sign that he is feeling nauseous or experiencing gastrointestinal upset. If you also see excessive drooling, this is a clear indication that your dog is not feeling well and may be suffering from nausea.

Before you come to this conclusion, make sure that your floors are perfectly clean. Sometimes dogs can smell food debris or residue from cleaning products and try to lick it up.

If you routinely clean your floors (the ideal method is water and vinegar or baking soda, followed by a water-only rinse), but your Maltipoo still won’t stop licking the floor or the wall, it may be due to sickness and upset stomach, a lack of certain nutrients, or perhaps both.

The scent of the tiles and minerals, which is similar to clay, may entice a dog with a dietary deficiency to lick these surfaces excessively.

If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, and they last for more than 24 hours, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Other symptoms to look out for include diarrhea or vomiting.

After a physical examination, the veterinarian will likely run some tests – such as blood work, a fecal panel, or X-rays – to try and determine the cause of an upset stomach. If deemed necessary, the vet can prescribe medication to help control or eliminate nausea.

If your vet has ruled out nausea as the cause of your Maltipoo’s lack of appetite, you should discuss their diet and possible nutrient deficiencies with them. There are a variety of potential causes for a loss of appetite in dogs, so it’s important to work with your veterinarian to determine the root cause of the problem.

Call your veterinarian if your dog has been excessively licking and is acting unwell. The recent use of antibiotics may be to blame. In this situation, you can supplement your dog’s food with probiotics to aid in digestion and lessen motion sickness.

Anal Gland Problems

The anal glands are located on each side of your dog’s anus. They secrete a substance that is important for scent marking. Scent marking is a way for dogs to communicate with other dogs and to leave their mark on their territory.

If you notice that your dog is dragging his buttock over the floor and there is a fishy smell, you can be sure that the problem lies in his anal glands.

There are many videos on Youtube that explain how to empty your Maltipoo’s glands by yourself step-by-step if you prefer to do it at home. If you are looking for professional help, there are many options available as well.

Dental Problems

If your Maltipoo licks his lips excessively, it could be a sign of dental problems. If this is accompanied by excessive drooling, then it’s time to visit the vet for a check-up.

If your Maltipoo has any issues with his teeth, gums, or tongue, he will obsessively lick his lips. This is likely due to the pain or discomfort he is experiencing in his mouth. If you notice your dog licking his lips excessively, take him to the vet to have him checked out.

Other issues like anemia, liver problems, seizure issues, and pain

If your Maltipoo is excessively licking concrete, dirt, or brick, he may be suffering from anemia. This condition is caused by a low red blood cell count, which leads to feelings of iron deficiency. Unfortunately, dogs often turn to licking inedible objects in an attempt to satisfy this craving.

Fast heartbeat, quick breathing, lack of energy, and pale gums are other signs of anemia. Visit the veterinarian if your dog exhibits any of these signs in addition to excessively licking bricks and concrete. The truth can be determined by a quick blood test.

In the event that your Maltipoo has Cushing’s disease, the adrenal gland is overproducing the hormone glucocorticoid. This can cause damage to various organs, including the liver and kidneys. It also tends to lead to excessive floor-licking behavior.

Excessive licking can also be caused by liver disease.

Some dogs may display odd behaviors during a partial seizure, such as lip or nose licking, air licking, or appearing to try to catch an invisible bug.

It is very well known that dogs typically lick the area where they are experiencing pain. For example, if a dog has an injured hip or lower back, they will often lick their front paws as a way to soothe themselves. Likewise, if your Maltipoo is feeling pain in his neck, he will most likely lick his hind paws..

When dogs feel pain, they will often lick the air. This pain can be caused by various gastrointestinal issues such as inflammatory bowel disease, foreign objects, or pancreatitis.


The Neurological and Behavioral Aspects of Maltipoos’ Excessive Licking

Dogs that excessively lick the floor may be suffering from a neurological disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is a behavioral problem that often requires additional mental stimulation to solve.

The truth is that OCD is not a behavioral issue but a neurological one, so you need to seek help from a veterinarian. He will most likely treat your dog with medication.

An nervous Maltipoo will excessively lick the floor or baseboards. The act of licking causes an increase of endorphins in the brain, which calms the dog.

There are many possible causes of anxiety in pets. Some animals may be stressed by very loud noises, while others may suffer from separation anxiety or be affected by changes in their environment. To determine the cause of your pet’s anxiety, you will need to observe your animal carefully and consult with your veterinarian.

There are several products available that can help you to calm your dog. These include a variety of calming drops for water and calming treats.

Remember that these products are not magic, but they can be very helpful if you use them with training techniques for your dog in the short term. If you want long-term results, you need to use a combination of both.

Maltipoos that are bored or depressed may start licking excessively. This can be fixed by providing them with more physical and mental stimulation. Adult Maltipoos only need 10-15 minutes of exercise each day, and there are lots of different toys available to help with mental stimulation.

There are a variety of Kong toys that are popular among pet owners. You can fill them with yogurt or peanut butter and then freeze them. This provides mental stimulation for your Maltipoo while also teaching him to lick the right things.

If, after checking your Maltipoo’s health and ruling out any possible medical reasons for his anxiety, you believe his licking behavior is simply a bad habit, then you will need to take steps to train him not to lick items he shouldn’t. This may require some patience and consistency on your part, but with time and effort, you can help your dog break this undesirable habit.

Attach a short leash to your dog and when he starts to lick something he’s not supposed to, give him a quick tug and say “No” in a firm voice. Every time he doesn’t lick the item he’s used to licking, give him a treat as a reward.

What you should never allow is your Maltipoo to lick your face. Some people might consider this licking as equivalent to a kiss, but it is not safe at all. Allowing your Maltipoo to lick your face could lead to harmful bacteria being transferred from their mouth to yours, which could make you sick.

Wrapping Up:

If you Maltipoo is excessive licking, it is important to intervene and treat the behavior. This is true no matter what the underlying cause of the excessive licking is. If you do not take action, your Maltipoo could seriously hurt himself through continued licking.

If a cat excessively licks one particular area of its fur, it can lead to a skin infection. This is because the constant licking will cause chronic abrasions and inflammation. As secondary issues, different yeast and bacterial infections may occur.

Finally, you just need to be attentive to your dog. If you can’t find the root cause of the incessant licking, then seek professional help. It’s extremely important to get an accurate diagnosis.