How Long Do Labradoodles Live

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Labradoodles

Labradoodles are one of the most popular puppy hybrids and they make great pets. They are a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever, which gives them the best traits of both breeds. They are intelligent, playful, and have a great disposition. They also don’t shed much, which is an added bonus.

These dogs are often cheerful, making them excellent companions for families. They also tend to be easy to train and enjoy the companionship of both humans and other dogs.

Doodle dogs are a relatively new breed, having only been around since 1988. They are characterized by their fluffy coats and cute appearance, and have become increasingly popular in recent years. Though they may appear to be an old breed, Doodle dogs are still fairly new in the grand scheme of things.

Therefore, what should you know about Labradoodles? Learn how to keep your pet labradoodle healthy and happy for a very long time as well as how long a labradoodle can live.

What Is the Lifespan of Labradoodles?

The typical lifespan of a labradoodle is 12-16 years. This breed is a mix of a labrador retriever and a standard poodle, and usually has the lifespan of whichever parent breed is shorter. In this case, that would be the labrador retriever, with an average lifespan of 12 years. However, individual dogs may live longer or shorter depending on various factors such as size and health.

The miniature and toy poodles, as well as other small dogs, have a tendency to live longer lives. If the Labradoodle is crossed with one of these smaller breeds, They will probably live longer than those who were bred with typical-sized poodles.

It is believed that crossbred dogs have a longer life expectancy than their parents. On average, they live 12-16 years. Some research shows that they may live a year or two longer than their parent pups. This is likely due to the fact that they are less prone to genetic disorders.

Due to the fact that Labradoodles are a new breed, there aren’t many records available for the longest-living specimen. The Labradoodle-Labrador hybrid dog Bella, on the other hand, survived to be 29 years old.

Now that you know how long a labradoodle lives, let’s look at how they develop from pups to adults.

The Average Labradoodle Life Cycle

The four main life stages that your Labradoodle will experience are Puppies, adolescence, adulthood, and senior.


Labradoodles are classified as puppies for the first five months of their lives. However, they go through various puppy phases during this time as they develop rapidly. They become more interested in bonding with others during their puppy stage.

Labradoodles are highly intelligent and can be easy to train, but they need to be started at the right age. Puppies between the ages of 10 and 16 weeks are usually just the right age to start training, as they’re aware enough to understand what’s going on and absorb what they’re being taught.

Having your puppy interact with different types of people and animals is important for its social development. This will help the puppy to learn how to appropriately interact with others, and prevent it from developing any fear or aggression towards them. Try to expose your puppy to as many different people and situations as possible, in a positive and safe environment.


During this stage in a child’s life, they will start to get into more trouble as they have much more energy and are going through growth spurts. This stage usually lasts from five or six months to about two years of age.

They tend to be fairly active when they aren’t napping since they become bored easily. They also lose their clumsiness and improve their coordination at this age. At this age, Labradoodles in particular start to exhibit significant talent and strength.


Most Labradoodles will reach full maturity between the ages of two and three. At this point, they will have reached their full adult size and stopped growing any larger. Your dog will also be at its mental and physical apex during this time, as it will be considerably calmer and more relaxed than it was as a puppy. 


At around nine or ten years old, your Labradoodle will enter its senior years and may start to slow down and have less energy. As with all dog breeds, it will also be predisposed to certain health issues at this age. To keep your senior Labradoodle healthy and happy, you’ll need to give it extra care and attention.

What Factors Affect the Lifespan of Labradoodles?

Several health conditions can reduce a Labradoodle’s lifespan, including inheritable disorders that can be passed along from parent to puppy. With regular checkups and support from your veterinarian, some of these health problems can be avoided or at least managed.

These health problems include:

Eye problems: Labradoodles may suffer from a variety of eye problems, including progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, and retinal dysplasia. The loss of eyesight, while not harmful on its own, can lead to accidents if your dog does not have the opportunity to detect a threat in time.

Hip dysplasia: It is a condition where the femur does not fit snugly into the pelvic socket of the hip joint. This can cause arthritis and pain later in life. While not fatal, it can severely reduce the quality of life for your dog if left untreated.

Addison’s Disease: Addison’s disease is a condition that can occur in dogs when the adrenal glands fail to generate adequate cortisol. If left untreated, Addison’s disease can cause renal damage and potentially be fatal.

How to Extend the Life of Your Pet Labradoodle 

Labradoodles make excellent family dogs due to their charming personalities and high intelligence. If you take proper care of your Labradoodle, it will have a long and happy life.

How to Make Your Pet Labradoodle Live Longer:

Exercise your dog: Labradoodles are happiest when they are able to burn off their high levels of energy. Going for walks, jogging, and power walking are all great ways to let them release that energy in a positive way. Not only will your dog be happy and healthy, but you’ll get some exercise too!

If you don’t give your dog enough exercise, he may be more prone to destructive behavior as a way of venting his frustrations. This could include barking, chewing, or digging.

Healthy diet: Feed your dog a healthy diet to ensure they are getting the proper nutrients they need. An adult Labradoodle’s diet should consist of 18% protein, 5% fat, fatty acids omega-3 complex carbs, omega-6, and minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They shouldn’t be given dog food that has artificial preservatives, wheat, or a lot of sugar since this might be bad for their health.

Checkup: Regular vet check-ups are important for Labradoodles, as they can help identify any health issues at a young age. A veterinarian will be able to tell if a Labradoodle is healthy and if there are any potential problems. By having regular vet check-ups, you can help your Labradoodle enjoy a long and healthy life.

A dog has a far lower chance of enjoying a long and healthy life if an issue stays undiagnosed and ignored. A dog should be examined by a veterinarian at least once a year to catch any problems early.

Wrapping Up:

We hope you enjoyed our article discussing how long Labradoodles typically live. This hybrid breed is known for being particularly friendly and intelligent, which likely contributes to its popularity. If you’re considering adopting a labradoodle, it’s important to be aware of its potential lifespan so that you can provide the best possible care throughout your life.