What is The Life Expectancy of a Golden doodle

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Golden Doodle

Goldendoodles are a type of designer dog breed. This means that they are created by mixing two where to buy dianabol different purebred dogs together. In the case of Goldendoodles, these two breeds are the Golden Retriever and the Standard Poodle. This combination creates a dog that is known for being intelligent, friendly, and very low-shedding.

Goldendoodles make great pets for people looking for a loyal, affectionate, and social dog. They are also intelligent and have a long lifespan, making them a great choice for people looking for a pet that will be around for many years to come.

How Long Does the Average Goldendoodle Live?

The average lifespan of a Goldendoodle is 10-15 years, which falls in between their ancestors, the Standard Poodle and Golden Retriever. Standard Poodles have an average lifespan of 12-15 years, while Golden Retrievers typically live for 10-12 years.

The Cause of Some Goldendoodles’ Longer Life Expectancy

There are many factors that influence a Goldendoodle’s longevity. Some dogs live longer than others, so let’s take a closer look at the possible reasons. Diet, exercise, and genetics all play a role in how long a dog will live. Dogs that are well-cared for and have good medical care tend to live longer than those that do not.

Nutrition/Weight Management

Goldendoodles require a diet that is high in quality and protein. The best type of food to give them is dry kibble. The first ingredient listed on the package should be a fresh, lean protein, such as chicken, turkey, or fish. Make sure you get the right kibble for the stage of life your doodle is in.

When feeding your Goldendoodle, be sure to read labels carefully. Some foods are not appropriate for puppies, and Goldendoodles are especially prone to hip dysplasia. Feeding a commercial dog food that contains glucosamine and chondroitin will help keep your Goldendoodle’s joints healthy.

Avoid foods that contain soy and corn as well as artificial flavors, preservatives, and fillers.

Obesity in dogs can lead to many health problems that can shorten their lives, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. As a general rule, feeding your doodle at set times of the day is preferable to leaving food out all the time.

Typically, you should feed your doodle 1 to 4 cups of food per day, depending on its size and life stage. Splitting the daily amount into two separate feedings can help you more accurately monitor how much your doodle is eating and ensure it stays at a healthy weight.

Consult your veterinarian if you’re ever unsure how much to feed for optimum nutrition.

Health Conditions

No dog is immune to potential medical issues, and Goldendoodles are no exception. Reputable breeders make an effort to breed these problems out, although they occasionally persist. Although Goldendoodles are a generally healthy hybrid breed, they can inherit some health issues from their parent breeds, such as thyroid illness, aortic and subaortic stenosis, bloat, and thyroid disease. They can also develop hip and elbow dysplasia. The key to living a healthy life and preventing these illnesses is to maintain a healthy weight.


We all know how beneficial a daily exercise routine is for us humans, but did you know it applies to our dogs too? Goldendoodles in particular love to go on runs or hikes.

Swimming is not only an excellent form of exercise for your Goldendoodle, but it is also something that they inherit from their Golden Retriever parents. Your Goldendoodle will stay intellectually and physically fit by swimming.

You should devote at least 30 minutes of exercise to your Goldendoodle every day, but ideally 1-2 hours for adults. Forms of exercise include playing fetch, going on walks and runs, and swimming.

A secure, fenced yard is the perfect place for your Goldendoodle to burn off some energy with a game of fetch. However, it’s important to keep in mind that these dogs can get easily bored with the same old routine. To keep things interesting for both you and your pup, try mixing up playtime activities and exercise.

Goldendoodles are among the most intelligent of dog breeds, so they especially enjoy puzzle toys and games that require mental agility. If you exercise your Goldendoodle’s body and mind regularly, you’ll help them live a longer, healthier life.


Goldendoodles vary in size, with the Toy Goldendoodle being the smallest. On average, they weigh 10 to 25 pounds. The next size up is the Miniature Goldendoodle, which ranges from 25 to 35 pounds. Medium Goldendoodles are between 35 and 50 pounds; Standard Goldendoodles are the largest, averaging between 50 and 90 pounds.

Smaller dogs often live longer, therefore your Goldendoodle will probably live longer if it is smaller.


Although Goldendoodles are a healthy hybrid breed, there are certain health conditions to which they are susceptible, especially females. Females of the breed are more prone to developing uterine cancer and mammary tumors, making spaying them an important factor in overall health maintenance.

Spaying your female pet is a great strategy to extend her life because females experience heat cycles and mood swings as well.


The Goldendoodle’s lifespan is significantly affected by genes. Golden Retrievers generally have shorter lifespans than Poodles, so the greater number of Poodle genes a Goldendoodle has, the longer its lifespan will be.

There is no foolproof method for determining the number of genes your doodle has from their parent breed. The best that a breeder can do is to make an educated guess based on observable characteristics.

Another important factor to consider is the breeder. Reputable breeders will try to bred out genetic health conditions by ensuring that the parents have no issues before breeding. This helps to produce a healthy dog.

To ensure your Goldendoodle’s best possible health, it’s crucial to adopt from a reputable breeder.

Breeding History

In 1969, Golden Retrievers and Standard Poodles were crossbred in an effort to produce a hypoallergenic guide dog for the disabled allergy sufferer. This practice boomed in the 1990s in the United States and Australia.

Poodles have minimal shedding and produce little to no dander, making them an ideal choice for those with allergies. Guide dogs must be easily trainable and gentle in nature, which is where the Golden Retriever excels. By cross-breeding these two breeds, Goldendoodles inherit the best qualities of both parents and have the added benefit of relative longevity.

Dental Hygiene

Most dogs are not big fans of having their teeth brushed, however good dental hygiene is extremely important for a dog’s overall health. If left untreated, dental disorders such as gum disease and periodontitis can cause your dog significant health problems.

Goldendoodles love playing games, so coming up with a fun way to brush their teeth is a great idea. Try showing them the toothbrush and when they show interest in it, give them a little treat. This will help them slowly progress to actually letting you brush their teeth.

If you’re patient with your doodle, they will probably allow you to brush their teeth. You should aim to brush their teeth 2-3 times per week, but really you should brush as often as possible.

The Goldendoodle’s 4 Life Stages

Puppy Stage

Getting a new puppy is both thrilling and a little scary, especially if you have no clue what to anticipate. Your puppy doodle will most likely be around 8 weeks of age when you bring it home. Like any other puppy, they’ll be curious about everything.

It is important to puppy proof your home in order to keep your furry friend safe. This means putting all hazardous items out of reach and away, making sure there are no escape routes from the yard, supplying them with lots of secure chew toys, and taking them to the garden to use the restroom several times each day. You can make sure that your dog lives a happy and healthy life by adopting these steps.

The puppy stage is an important time for training your Goldendoodle. They are intelligent animals, Despite having intellectual genes from their Poodle parents, they will still need your instruction to become well-behaved dogs. Teaching them basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” or “down” will introduce them to the concept of discipline and help them understand what you expect from them.

Puppies are in a crucial development stage between 3 and 4 months old. To prevent overexertion, it’s important to limit their exercise time during this period. Just 5 minutes of play twice a day should be sufficient. Keep in mind that puppies’ joints are fragile and they lack stamina at this age.

As your puppy grows, you can slowly increase the amount of time they spend playing each day; at 3 months old, they can play for 15-30 minutes a day, 4 months old, 20-40 minutes, 5 months old, 25-45 minutes, and 6 months old, 30-60 minutes. Spaying or neutering your pup at 6 months of age is also something to consider.

As far as nutrition is concerned, you should feed your doodle pup kibble specifically formulated for puppies – preferably a large-breed puppy food. You can also check with your vet on how much to feed them to ensure they’re getting the right amount of nutrition during this critical stage.

You can follow the instructions on the bag, but for your own safety, talk to your veterinarian.

Young Adult

Within the first 8 to 12 months of life, your Goldendoodle will reach maturity. They will continue to grow during this period, typically reaching adult size by the time they are two years old. They will still develop mentally at this period, it’s crucial to keep in mind.

Puppies require a lot of exercise and training at this stage to prevent unwanted behaviors, such as going into the trash or ruining a roll of toilet paper.

If you want to be successful in training your Goldendoodle, positive reinforcement is key. You should be firm with them, but not to the point where they become afraid of you. It’s important to remember that Goldendoodles are very intelligent dogs, and they will catch on quickly if you are consistent with your commands.

When changing your puppy’s food to adult food, it is best to do so gradually in order to avoid tummy upset. Start by giving them 3/4 cup of puppy food and 1/4 cup of new food for 3-4 days.

Next, mix together ½ cup of puppy food with ½ cup of the new food for two to three days. After that, gradually decrease the amount of puppy food and increase the amount of new food each day until they are only eating the new food.

Mature Adult

At this stage in their development, your doodle should be settled into a routine and have a clear understanding of their place within your household pack. Although they will have stopped growing physically, they will still retain a high level of energy. However, you may also notice that they are slightly calmer than when they were younger adults.

At this point in your doodle’s life, they will need around 30 minutes of exercise split up into two sessions. A simple walk or trip to the dog park should suffice, but since they love to swim, you could also take them for a quick dip.


As your doodle begins to age, you’ll want to pay close attention to them, especially during exercise. They may start to show signs of aging, such as getting up more slowly than usual and grey hairs on their face.

Make sure you take your dog for regular checkups as they age, and change their food to a senior food that supports joint health. At this point, you’ll probably want to keep their mind active with mental stimulation, but don’t overdo it with exercise.

It’s important to give your dog some gentle exercise for around 30-45 minutes every day. This could be a short walk or a little swim. At 7 to 9 years of age, your dog will likely start to slow down a bit, and it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for any mobility issues, such as limping or behavioral changes.

The greatest person to ask for advice if you think your doodle isn’t feeling well is your veterinarian.

How to Determine the Age of Your Goldendoodle

If you have adopted a Goldendoodle and are unsure of its age, there are several ways to get an estimate. One is to ask your veterinarian for help. The shape of the teeth can also be indicative of age.

Teeth can be a good indicator of a dog’s age. When they are young, pups 1-2 years old will have clean, bright teeth. However, between the ages of 3 and 5, you might spot indicators of tartar buildup and tooth damage. If a dog lives to be 10 to 15 years old, their teeth may be missing or severely worn down.

Wrapping Up:

Goldendoodles are the perfect companion for anyone looking for a family pet. They have a relatively long lifespan, which means you’ll be able to enjoy their company for many years. Just be sure to give them plenty of exercise and take them to the vet for yearly checkups. With proper care, your goldendoodle will bring you years of happiness.

To ensure that your doodle remains healthy and happy for years to come, it is important to feed them high-quality food and brush their teeth as often as possible. Providing your dog with the best possible nutrition will help them stay strong and energetic, while regularly brushing their teeth will help prevent gum disease and other oral health problems.