Why Is My Golden Doodle Shedding

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Golden Doodle

Many dog owners choose to purchase a Goldendoodle because they believe that the breed is non-shedding. easy card games for two However, what these owners may not realize is that all dogs shed at least some amount of fur. There is no such thing as a completely non-shedding dog. Even though Goldendoodles may shed less than other breeds, they are not exempt from this natural process.

Goldendoodles can vary in how much they shed, depending on the ratio of Golden Retriever to Poodle genetics. Some may shed more than others, with those receiving more Golden Retriever DNA tending to shed more.

Naturally, if the shedding on your Goldendoodle is out of control, a lot of questions may arise.

There is no guarantee that a Goldendoodle will never shed, so if you are thinking of getting one of these dogs, you should remember that. While they are often touted as being non-shedding or hypoallergenic, this is not always the case. Some Goldendoodles may shed very little, while others may shed more regularly.

Goldendoodles often shed more than other dog breeds, and their fur can be particularly difficult to remove from clothing and furniture. There are a few things you can do to minimize shedding, including brushing your dog regularly and using special shampoos and conditioners.

You may also want to talk to your veterinarian about whether there are any medical conditions that could be causing excessive shedding.

What causes your Goldendoodle to shed?

Goldendoodles may shed more than you expect because they have retriever genetics rather than non-shedding poodle genetics. The amount they shed depends on the generation of Goldendoodle that you purchased. For example, first generation (F1) Goldendoodles are half golden retriever and half Standard Poodle.

I wrote an in-depth information article about the different Goldendoodle Generations. You can read this article to find a Goldendoodle Generation that is less likely to shed.

If you have a Goldendoodle, it’s most likely that you have an F1, F2, or F3 generation. These generations are 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Poodle. Because of this, the Goldendoodle is more prone to shedding as they may inherit some of the genes from the Golden Retriever (which includes shedding).

As Goldendoodles are a crossbreed, it can sometimes be difficult to predict their shedding patterns. Many Goldendoodles may shed excessively due to various genetic mutations. This is unfortunately quite common in crossbred dogs. If you’re considering getting a Goldendoodle, be aware that excess shedding may be something you have to deal with.

What causes your Goldendoodle to shed?

First of all, do not become alarmed if your Goldendoodle starts to shed.

The majority of dog breeds in existence shed fur. In actuality, the majority of dog breeds grow thick coats in the winter and lose them in the spring when the weather warms up. That is typical. The actions listed below will aid in reducing the amount of hair that a Goldendoodle sheds.

To keep your Goldendoodle healthy and free of knots, make sure to brush them regularly – at least every few days. The Furminator Deshedding Tool is a great investment, as it’s the best deshedding tool on the market. In addition to a good brushing tool, Hertzko Brush is also a good investment for your dog’s coat.

Even if you have a Goldendoodle that doesn’t shed hair, you would still need to brush them every day to prevent mattes from forming. These tools are quite inexpensive when you consider how often you’ll be using them.

There are a variety of brushes recommended for Goldendoodle related breeds, but the most popular is the slicker brush. Slicker brushes have densely packed, flexible metal pins that can effectively remove excess hair.

Ensure Proper Nutrition

If your Goldendoodle is shedding excessively, it might be due to poor nutrition. Your dog’s skin and coat are a direct reflection of the nutrients they consume, so making sure they’re eating a healthy diet is essential for preventing excessive shedding.

There is a common belief among veterinarians that Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for a healthy coat. One way to improve your dog’s coat health is by giving them Omega 3 soft chews, which can help reduce shedding.

Many dog professionals believe in the benefits of methylsulfonylmethane, also known as MSM. The Nutramax MSM supplement has received over 4,500 reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars, making it a popular choice among dog owners.

MSM is a sulfur-containing compound that helps to maintain the integrity of your dog’s skin by providing collagen and keratin. Additionally, MSM helps to repair skin damage and promote glutathione production, which is important for overall skin health.

Bathe Your Dog Regularly

BAThe your dog regularly to decrease their Goldendoodle shedding. Use specific shampoos like the Furminator Deshedding Shampoo to help limit shedding.

Giving your Goldendoodle a bath once a month is generally considered sufficient to rinse off any dead hair that would otherwise eventually fall off during the dog’s natural shedding process. In warmer months, you may want to opt for bathing your dog twice a month in order to limit the amount of hair shed.

Reduce Your Goldendoodles Stress

Dogs, just like humans, can experience stress. Stress is a powerful emotional and physical response that can have adverse effects on your dog’s health. If your dog is experiencing increased stress, it is important to take steps to reduce their stress levels. Reducing your dog’s stress levels will help them to feel happier and healthier.

Goldendoodles may shed excessively due to stress from factors such as a change in environment, lack of attention, or insufficient physical exercise. Additionally, the death of a dog’s owner can also lead to extreme stress and excessive shedding in Goldendoodles.

If you recently brought your Goldendoodle home, they can simply experience tension while they get used to their new environment. Many of these factors affect Goldendoodles quite strongly.

If you think your Goldendoodle is experiencing increased stress, the best thing you can do is provide them with a daily routine including walks, meals, and sleep. This helps your Goldendoodle predict what will happen next, reducing their stress levels. Of course, plenty of love and affection helps too!

Does your Goldendoodle Shed Too Much?

If you find that your Goldendoodle is shedding excessively, or if you notice bald spots or hair loss, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian. There are several medical conditions that can cause excess shedding in Goldendoodles, including:

  • Fleas, lice, or mites
  • Fungal or bacteria infections
  • Dog Allergies
  • Auto immune diseases
  • Current medications
  • Cushing’s disease or other kidney, thyroid, or liver problems
  • Cancer

Generations of Goldendoodles that Won’t Shed

There are several generations of Goldendoodles that tend to shed less than others. For example, an F1B Goldendoodle (25% Golden Retriever, 75% Poodle) is typically less prone to shedding.

This generation of Goldendoodle is characterized by minimal shedding, due in part to the significant amount of nonshedding Poodle genetics present. Because they shed so little, these dogs are often a good choice for people with allergies.

There are also several different types of Goldendoodles which have different percentages of Poodle and Golden Retriever. The F1BB Goldendoodle, for example, is 87.5% Poodle and 12.5% Golden Retriever. These types of Goldendoodles are virtually immune to shedding.

At the end of the day, it ultimately comes down to luck as to whether or not your Goldendoodle will shed. For example, if you have an F1 Goldendoodle (50% Poodle, 50% Golden Retriever), you may be lucky enough to have a nonshedding dog.

All 50/50 Goldendoodles have the potential to shed. Some owners may find that their dog sheds very little hair for the first year, but then starts to shed more as they age. This is normal and to be expected with this type of dog.

Wrapping Up:

Making sure that you brush your Goldendoodle regularly will help to manage their shedding. You should also be aware that excessive Goldendoodle shedding can be a sign of poor nutrition or allergies. If you are concerned about your dog’s shedding, speak to a veterinarian for advice.

We hope you enjoyed our article and found some solutions to limit your Goldendoodle’s shedding. You can significantly reduce the amount of hair your dog sheds by brushing them daily, bathing them regularly, keeping their stress levels low, and providing them with nutritional supplements.